Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Dreadball Time Lapse - Zees (Elves!) versus Corporation

The Daily Punter has been pushing the boundaries of modern technology since the very beginning [a week and a half ago - Ed]. But tonight, thanks to the efforts of Tom Silcock, we're proud to take a step forward and show you our very own, slightly cheesy, time lapse video!

The match was a challenging one that ran on to the very end, and only in the final rushes did the Corporation (Titan Wasps, unpainted) manage to take victory.

This was our first attempt at doing a time lapse, so we hope you enjoy it. We're hoping that next time we can produce one that is much better, In the means time - your suggestions and comments would be very helpful.

Till next time folks!


  1. Nice work. Jimmi are your Titan Wasps based on the Void Sirens?

    1. Yeah they are, but their no where near done yet :)
