Coach: Gordon Bomb-Bay Team: Dug "Wildwing" Smasha Len "Nosedive" Smasha Da Duke Check Out-My-Fist Gustav Vanderflock Buzz Termove Danard Canard Fleb Mallory Thrash n Throb Species: Marauders |
Tactics: Beating the stuffing out of strikers and running away with the ball. Also known for luring the opponent into a false sense of security by failing to pick up the ball for almost an entire game. History: Gordon Bomb-Bay was a successful Digby defense attorney, whose truculent courtroom antics earned him no respect among his peers. After being arrested for betting in Xtreame Dreadball games, Bomb-Bay was sentenced to community service by coaching the local amateur orx Dreadball team. Bomb-Bay had a history with the sport, although his memories were far from pleasant: he blew an open 4 point strike, costing his Corporation team the title. The team's first game with Bomb-Bay at the helm was against Bomb-Bay's old team: The Iron Avengers, the team from the Corporation world of Marvel V. The fledgling Marauder team was pummeled and after Bomb-Bay berated the team for not listening to him the players challenged his authority as a "Pink 'Umie". Whilst Looking for a way to rebuild his relationship and give his team confidence and the means to compete, Bomb-Bay approached his immediate boss at Digby, Gerald Dorksworth to sponsor the team, to which Dorksworth reluctantly agreed (A move which is considered shady by many at Digby, but thankfully Dorksworth's influence is so great that he has been thus far able to escape investigation). The result has been a complete makeover for the team, both in look and in skill (Thanks to their corporate funded facilities at the Gerald Dorksworth Community Dorkadium). Now playing as the "Mighty Dorks", they have swiftly rose to infamy in the Outpost league as one of the most violent teams, and have also recently claimed the long awaited glory of Punterbowl Champions in the Season Two tournament. Needless to say, it is a foolish team of squishy humies that fails to respect Wildwing's big green fist. |
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