Thursday, 24 October 2013

The Law

JD Read

Forge Fathers

Long Arm

Laying down the Law. They are the Law. Use of "Rapid Fire" and "Double Whammy"

Following their terrible first season, A Forge Father team known as The Arkand Ramz returned to Arkand Training Facilities for a debrief, and in what seems to be a completely random act of violence the facilities were attacked by Anti Corporation Rebel Forces.

In the following fire fights, in which Ramz Captain "Rampage" managed to kill off 4 rebels (something he failed to do on pitch) all of the Ramz Personnel were killed or captured. The rebel forces then proceeded to use the facility as a FOB to conduct raids on the Arkand Corp Mining Stations (Arkand supply most of the Corporations Titan Weapons Grade Alloy) and held the Ramz players and coaches to ransom.

Meanwhile the Council of Seven concluded that the loss in production could not be ignored and a tender was published for the return of the Arkand Facility and restoration of full production levels.

Enter SecuriCorp, the galaxies finest in World Security and Law enforcement. These guys stepped in all too quick and eager say some Die Hard Ramz fans.

They were efficient - Within 3 Days all rebels had suspiciously disappeared. Now released from their captors, but without an owner or corporation to pay the wages The Arkand Ramz seemed destined to be a team best forgotten. And so ended the Arkand Ramz...........

But with so much speed that no one is under any illusion as totheir origins SecuriCorp announced they would be funding the creation of a new Dreadball team to bring order to the pitches. They would be called "The Law". Coached by the formidable PT Team at SecuriCorps state of the art Training and Correction facilities. Coach Captain J D Read, Serg K Nuckles and Officer M Urphy insist upon the highest standards backed up by "Cheerleaders" (Civil Enforcement Officers) to ensure the crowd is on their side of "The Law".

In recent released training footage The Law can be seen pulling off trade mark "Ramz" plays such as the often not successful passing game now called "Rapid Fire" and some strong defensive plays such as "Double Whammy" if you listen carefully to the team huddles you can just make out the faint chant of "For Rampag.. 


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